We know that discrimination is common in organizations, in the economy, and in our social life. People are treated differently depending on a broad range of criteria, starting with race and gender, and there seems to be no form of training, qualification, or accomplishment that can help people escape discrimination. A classic example are Asian-Americans, who are a so-called “model minority” with a well-known taste for higher education. They suffer discrimination first through the accusation that they somehow do not deserve the education they have earned and then, more nastily, through violent attacks following the Covid-19 pandemic.
The fact of discrimination is well known, but the reasons are less clear
– in part because there are too many explanations, and they contradict each
other. Two well-known ones are taste discrimination and statistical
discrimination. Taste discrimination is simple: people discriminate because
they dislike, usually because others (parents? friends?) have told them who to
dislike. Statistical discrimination is more complicated because the idea here
is that some of those who are discriminated against should be assessed
negatively, but it is hard to tell who, so the safe option is to discriminate
against all. For example, an employer may think that some young women will get
pregnant and quit soon and may decide that all young women should be thought of
as short-term employees who do not need to be trained for promotion.
So, what happened to the discrimination? This was a platform in China,
where discrimination against women is common in economic arenas, even though
women are thought to be reliable in paying back loans. You can probably suspect
what happened. Women were discriminated against before the loan guarantee.
After the loan guarantee, the economic security of women as lenders was no
longer an issue, so women were even more strongly discriminated against.
Where does that leave the explanation of discrimination? Clearly people
are capable of considering economic consequences and adjusting to them, and
this affects the degree of discrimination. But at its core, discrimination is based
on distaste and is culturally determined. Money is no excuse.