Let me do it anyway, starting with an important research paper by Mary Dunn and Candace Jones in Administrative Science Quarterly. They looked at a central input to healthcare:
medical schools, which educate the doctors who are in charge of providing the
type of medical care that requires the MD degree and who direct the medical
care done by others, such as nurses and lab technicians. Although medical care is much bigger than
doctors, they are at its core, so how they are educated is consequential. The
paper found that medical schools have had an enduring division between two
logics on how to think about healthcare, and one of these has become more
influential over time. This view of education, and healthcare, is very new and
needs some explanation.
Much simplified, the logics are as follows. One is that
education is the transfer of scientific knowledge, so that this knowledge can
be used in practice. So, medical school is about the science of medicine. The other is that education instills values,
and the guiding value for medicine is to care for people. So, medical school is
about care, which can include care for people who are not yet patients and
people who cannot be cured.
Dunn and Jones wrote a fascinating paper on how these two
logics were in contention over decades. Advocates of each logic recognized the
conflict with the other and fought for resources and attention to be devoted to
their own logic. They saw an emphasis of their favored logic as essential for
the health of medical education and the health of the nation more broadly. I
don’t have room to describe their discussion here, but an important conclusion
is that the care logic has grown in importance, and a key element of its growth
was greater public discussion on managed care, with its emphasis on preventive
medicine and focus on reducing costs.
This conclusion has become even more important in light of
recent events. Managed care helped make the care logic more prominent, which
facilitated useful initiatives such as thinking of public care more broadly to
include prevention of disease and thinking of patients as individuals in need
of care instead of just as cases with prognoses. But it also had two other
effects that play a role in current politics around healthcare. First, the
science part of medicine became less important, which now has become part of a
greater movement against science having a role in state decisions overall. Second,
cost is now a key consideration in health, which is clear given that estimates
of tens of millions of people losing health insurance are acceptable as long as
costs go down. Cost savings are even more important than the science behind
estimating that tens of millions will lose their insurance, with the health
consequences this will have.